Executive Committee

Prof. Dr. Gian-Paolo Dotto
President iCPI
Director Laboratory of Skin Aging and Cancer Prevention, MGH
Director Personalized Cancer Prevention CHUV, Uni
Prof. Dr. Cathrin Brisken
Vice-President iCPI
Brisken Group, EPFL
Team Leader Endocrine Control
Mechanisms, ICR
Prof. Dr. Christian Simon
Treasurer iCPI
Chef-de-service d’ORL
head & neck surgery CHUV, UNIL
Dr. An Buckinx
Head of Communication and Outreach

Honorary Members

Honorary members have been awarded with the Cancerprev Lifetime Achievement Award as recognition for their outstanding achievements in the domain of cancer prevention.

Prof. Dr. Anthony Howell


Junior Members

Sangeeta Bisheshar
MD, PhD in pathology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Mohamed Shih,
MD student, New Giza University, Egypt
Ezgi Yildirim
Genetics and Bioengineering Student, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Dr. méd. et phil. Berna Özdemir
Prof. Dr. Olivier Gaide
Dr. François Kuonen
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hohl
Prof. Dr. Anna Mandinova
Prof. Dr. Séverine Vuilleumier
Prof. Dr. Giovanna Chiorino

Become a member!

Become a member: get personally involved in CancerPrev research or outreach activities of your choice, suggest topics, meetings and articles of interest, propose your own ideas for new initiatives
Support our foundation or contact us here!

Collaborating Institutes

Innovation Center on Sex Differences in Medicine
Service d’ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale, CHUV

Cutaneous Biology Research Center, MGH