
This was World Cancer Day 2023!
See the recording (in French), or read more about it here.

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Second International Conference on Sexual Dimorphism in Cancer
Second International Conference on Sexual Dimorphism in Cancer

The field of Sexual Dimorphism in Cancer has seen significant advancements, with disparities in cancer incidence, survival rates, and treatment effectiveness being actively researched. The conference focuses on the impact of sex hormones and chromosomes on cancer susceptibility, with an emphasis on (epi)genetics, sex hormones, cancer cell biology, metabolism and the immune system.

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World Cancer Day 2024
World Cancer Day 2024

The Cancer Prevention Forum took place on Sunday, February 4th, 2024, and raised awareness about different types of cancer (skin, breast and lung cancer) and ways to prevent them.

Meeting 3
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International Workshop in Sexual Dimorphism in Cancer’s Program

16.00-19.30 Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US) 

16:00-16:10               Introductory remarks and overview

Gian Paolo Dotto 

SESSION 1 – Gender medicine, sex determination and cancer susceptibility

16:10-16:35.          Ongoing efforts in gender medicine

Sabine Oertelt-Prigione

Professor of Gender in Primary and Transmural Care, Radboud University , Nijmegen, The Netherlands

16:35-17:00            Sex differences in epidemiology of non-sex related cancers

Melinda Schuurman

Netherlands Cancer Registry, M.Schuurman@iknl.nland j.praagman@IKNL.NL

17:00-17:25             Sex differences in response to anticancer drugs and immune therapy 

Anna Dorothea Wagner and Berna Özdemir

Consultant Department of Oncology Lausanne University Hospital CHUV/ Bern University Hospital (Inselspital)

17:25-17:40             Break

17:40-18:00             Beyond dimorphism – Disentangling the science in cancer care for transgender and non-binary people

Dr Alison May Berner

Speciality Trainee and Clinical Research Fellow in Medical Oncology

Barts Cancer Institute&Specialist Registrar in Gender Identity
Gender Identity Clinic, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

18:00-18:25            Genetic basis of sex determination


Head of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics at the Francis Crick Institute

18.25 -18:50             The sex of the intestine and why it matters

Irene Miguel-Aliaga

Genes and Metabolism Section Chair, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, and Professor of Genetics and Physiology, Imperial College

19:00-20:00            Meet the speakers roundtable.

6:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -1:30 pm East Coast US; 8-10:30 am West Coast US)

SESSION 2 – Genetic predisposition and cancer cells genetics

16:00-16:25            Twins, hormones and cancer risk factors

Jaakko Kaprio

Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine & Institute for Molecular Medicine FIMM, HiLIFE University of Helsinki

16:25-16:50            Genetic determinants of cancer susceptibility : a look to the future

Allan Balmain

Professor of Cancer Genetics, UCSF

16:50-17:15            X chromosome silencing and biological impact

Jeannie Lee

Professor of Genetics (Pathology), Harvard Medical School, Molecular Biologist, Massachusetts General Hospital

17:15-17:30            Break

17:30-17:55            “Gender specificity in DNA damage response pathways”

Laura Zannini

Group leader, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council (IGM-CNR), Pavia, IT

17:55–18:20            “The molecular epidemiology of somatic mutations: how does patient sex influence cancer evolution?”

 Paul C. Boutros

Group leader, UCLA

19:00-20:00               Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US )

SESSION 3 – gene mutations and cancer

16:00-16:25            Tumor-suppressor genes that escape from X-inactivation

Andrew Lane 

Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 

16:25-16:50            Sex disparity and the p53 signaling network

Sue Haupt and Yigal Haupt

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, 305 Grattan St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000,

16:50-17:15              Sex differences in glioblastoma

Joshua B. Rubin

Professor of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,

17:15-17:30             Break

17:30-17:55            Pancreatic Cancer

Alexandros Tzatsos

Group leader, School of Medicine and Health Science, George Washington University,

17:55-18:20            Novel Mechanisms of Cancer Emerge When Accounting

                                   for Sex as a Biological Variable

                                   Kenneth Buetow

                                   Professor and CEM Center Director, Arizona State University


18:30-19:30            Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-19:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -2 pm East Coast US; 8-11 am West Coast US)

SESSION 4 – Hormones and cancer

16:00- 16:25             Structure/function

Eva Estébanez-Perpina

AR Group leader Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB),

16:25-16:50             Role of local sex steroid synthesis and metabolism in hormonal carcinogenesis

Matti Poutanen

Professor of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland

16:50-17:15             Finding Dory: hormone exposure, mutational signatures and estrogen receptor defines the early oncogenesis processes at play in the cell of origin of breast cancer

Luca Magnani

Group leader, Imperial College London,.

17:15-17:30             Break

17:30-17:55            Sex hormones signaling in male breast cancer

Wilbert Zwart

Group leader, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI),

17:55-18:20            ER signaling and Melanoma

Todd Ridky

Group leader Department of Dermatology, U. Penn,

18:20-18:45            AR signaling in skin cancer

 Soumitra Ghosh / Min Ma

UNIL, Department of Biochemistry,

18:45-19:00            Break

19:00-20:00            Meet the speakers roundtable

16:00-17:00 pm Swiss Time (11 am -12 pm East Coast US; 8-9 am West Coast US)


16:00-16:25            Gender differences in metabolism

Adriana Maggi

Professor of Pharmacological Biotechnologies, University of Milan,

16:25-16:50             “Gene-by-sex interactions regulating mitochondrial functions and cardio-metabolic traits”

Aldons Jake Lusis

16:50-17:15             “Sex differences in brain development and function: Implications for comorbidity of psychiatric and cardiovascular outcomes”

 Jill Goldstein

Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Executive Director, Innovation Center on Sex Differences in Medicine, Massachusetts General

17:15-17:30            Break

17:30-18:00            ICPI life time achievement cancer prevention award

Tony Howell

18:00-18:50            Poster awards (with awardees’ speed talks) 

18:50-19:15            Sexual dimorphism in cancer : meeting overview

Sarah Seton.Rogers

Chief Editor, Nature Reviews Cancer

19:15 – 19:30          Concluding remarks                                 

  G. Paolo Dotto