Promising signaling pathway for liver cancer treatment unveiled

A recent study led by dr. Latifa Bakiri and Prof. Erwin Wagner has revealed a critical molecular signaling pathway involved in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, a malignant liver cancer. Read more about it here.

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Prof. Cathrin Brisken awarded with Claudia Schilling prize

Prof. Brisken has been awarded with the prestigious prize in recognition of her remarkable achievements in breast cancer research. Click for more information.


Watch now: The significance of environmental factors in breast cancer development

Hannes Bode shows the significance of environmental factors in breast cancer development, examined by DNA methylation profiles of twins discordant for breast cancer. Read more and watch the video here.


EU Research Magazine: How does inflammation spread through the body?

Prof. Wagner’s team’s work on Chronic Systemic Inflammation has been featured in the Spring issue of EU Research. Click for more info and to read the article.


In the news: World Cancer Day 2023

Several members of the CANCERPREV consortium contributed to the first edition of World Cancer Day in Lausanne. Read more and have a look at the photo report here.


In the news: Interview with Prof. Wagner on their latest psoriasis research

Prof. Wagner disseminates their latest study on slowing down inflammation in both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for the Austrian national broadcaster ORF. Click for more info.

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In the news: Dr. Aouad on the identification of new mechanisms of breast cancer recurrence

In a new study, the laboratory of Prof. Brisken has identified new mechanisms underlying breast cancer recurrence. Read more here.


In the news: Prof. Brisken on the influence of hormones in the development of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness month takes place each year in October. To this end, Prof. Brisken discusses risk factors for the development of hormone-sensitive breast cancer. Read more here.


Testimonial: How Markus Youssef experienced his secondment in Finland

“The unique interdisciplinary science I witnessed here in Helsinki is hard to overestimate”. Read more about his adventure in Finland here.


Testimonial: How Emir Sehovic experienced his secondment in Finland

The secondment experience was a tremendously useful experience for my scientific career“. Read more about his adventure in Finland here.


Prof. Erwin F. Wagner elected into the National Academy of Sciences

Wagner was one of 30 international members to be admitted to the prestigious society in 2021. Click to read more.
